Incubators added to the Clinic Maternity Ward..... Incubators added to the Clinic Maternity Ward.....

Incubators added to the Clinic Maternity Ward.....

Incubators purchased by IHM arrived at the new maternity ward.

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New incubators have arrived at the Clinic Maternity Ward. We are excited to have these units, they are important when babies are first born or need special care. Thank you for your donations, they really make a diference!

Maternity Ward addition to the Clinic is Completed! Now serving... Maternity Ward addition to the Clinic is Completed! Now serving...

Maternity Ward addition to the Clinic is Completed! Now serving...

New Maternity Ward Addition is complete and now supports the need of communities withn 30 miles!

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We are excited to announce that the Maternity Ward addition to the clinic is complete and is operating. Below are the photos including Fr. Cletus along with the nursing and admin staff. Your DONATIONS are making these projects possible. Thank you!

Eryam! A special child Eryam! A special child

Eryam! A special child

In 2020 one of IHM’s donors went on a mission trip to visit some of the projects we have been working on the medical clinic where we were...
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COVID FOOD Distribution

About three hundred and fifty parishioners plus five different parishes within the Berekum Deanery as well as two different religious...
0 1640
New Childrens Hospital Beds For St. Mary's New Childrens Hospital Beds For St. Mary's

New Childrens Hospital Beds For St. Mary's

Thanks to the generosity of one of our donors, Jourdan Urbach, we were able to purchase 12 children's hospital beds that were desperately...
0 2054

The Maternity Section Addition to the Clinic is almost compete.Our clinic is activly serving communities within a radius of 40 miles.

Below are pictures of the Clinic operating in a village in Ghana west Africa.. The first photo is of the building before renovation started the second photo is after renovation started also you can see photo of the container of medical supplies that was sent from New York donated by Mt. Sinai Hospital. The clinic has expanded to include an operating room which now includes...


International Help of Missionaries


64-07 77th Place
Middle Village, New York 11379

call us at 1-917-273-1723

IHM is a registered 501c/3 charity. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
100% of donations are used for charitable purposes.


IHM International Help of Missionaries  Giving from hearts to hands