"He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well.

Is that not what it means to know me?" declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 22:16

Welcome to International Help of Missionaries. In 2008, IHM was established on the principals and direction of missionaries who serve in developing countries. Missionaries who have given their lives to serve and help the poor, uneducated and those who lack hope for a better life.

Our goal is to supply these dedicated men and women the necessary resources to achieve their goals above and beyond their expectations and enable those less fortunate in the world to begin a new frontier of hope. Our current programs create opportunities, through education, for children and young adults to become productive, innovative and self-sustaining faith driven adults in their communities and villages. They can become beacons of light and hope for the world around them, now and into the future. International Help of Missionaries is nonsectarian and helps all people in great need throughout the world.  100% of your donations go directly to help the program of your choice! We do not use any portion of your donation for overhead, salaries or expenses. We are a completely volunteer organization.


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2024 Project List 2024 Project List

2024 Project List

This year we plan on growing our project list to over 14. Click on the photo for the list.....

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2024 Projects Listing 1.  Wioso Population 4000 2.  Hwibaa Population 3100 3.  Atwima Koforifus Population 5000 4.  Kokoso Population 3850 5.  Huu Population 1300 ( work in process) 6.  Matse Vocational School and community Population 3000 7.  Agbedorkope Population 2000 8.  Kornokope Population 2200 9.  Botoku Vocational School and community Population 3000 10, Sokode Population 3200 11. Okajakrom Population 4000 12. Suhum Population 3500 13. Addjen Kotoku site of future Childrens cancer hospital and...

Our projects  are helping people in, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and the United States. 

Silenadre is located in the Ziope area, and has a population of approximately 300. The town folks were trekking about a kilometer and a half to fetch water from the dam which has completely dried up. Now they are traveling 6km to access water and travel by motorcycle.

Akukorkpo and Kopedeka are in the Mafi area. Water is collected from unsafe sources. Water dugouts which are small and discolored Children are the most affected, sadly mothers do not have a choice but use it as drinking water for the children which is unboiled. These towns have a population of 200 and 150 respectively.


International Help Of Missionaries has now helped over 200,000 people with clean water since 2011 when we started our water programs!


Please donate to your favorite project through Paypal. 100% of your donation goes directly t the people that need it!


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"I was Thirsty and You Gave Me a Drink."

International Help of Missionaries

64-07 77th PlaceMiddle Village, New York 11379

call us at 1-917-273-1723 

IHM is a registered 501c/3 charity. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
100% of donations are used for charitable purposes.

Please Donate thru PayPal