IHM Food Program Providing Food and Comfort to the Needy in Ghana... IHM Food Program Providing Food and Comfort to the Needy in Ghana...

IHM Food Program Providing Food and Comfort to the Needy in Ghana...

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To provide comfort for the needy in the immediate post-lockdown period, the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra with support from the International Help of Missionaries (IHM) has distribututed  food items to the needy.

COVID FOOD Distribution COVID FOOD Distribution

COVID FOOD Distribution

IHM has distributed food to hundreds of people in communities in need during COVID

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About three hundred and fifty parishioners plus five different parishes within the Berekum Deanery as well as two different religious congregations received food items including rice, cooking oil, tin tomatoes, tin fish and baked beans. All the beneficiaries were very grateful. Because of the lockdown They were literally...
New Childrens Hospital Beds For St. Mary's New Childrens Hospital Beds For St. Mary's

New Childrens Hospital Beds For St. Mary's

Thanks to the generosity of one of our donors, Jourdan Urbach, we were able to purchase 12 children's hospital beds that were desperately...
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Buruli Ulcer Buruli Ulcer

Buruli Ulcer

Buruli ulcer is a waterborne disease caused by a bacteria related to leprosy and tuberculosis. Please Donate
0 1864
Some New Use For Some Older Vans Some New Use For Some Older Vans

Some New Use For Some Older Vans

Recently we received a donation of two Ford vans from a donor in the US.
0 1085

International Help of Missionaries

64-07 77th Place
Middle Village, New York 11379

call us at 1-917-273-1723

IHM is a registered 501c/3 charity. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
100% of donations are used for charitable purposes.

IHM International Help of Missionaries  Giving from hearts to hands